Write ‘your story’ here in Top Celebrity Story. Inspire Others. Get Celebrity Businesses!!
(Note: MiTA is not in active business now; God Willing, we will reopen for business in the coming months. This website is being redesigned and redeveloped; please visit again.)
Name, Startup, Brand & Expand profitably and efficiently.
Celebrity Endorsement for Marketing is a well known technique in branding and marketing to sell products and services, as well as, identify/position a specific city, company, product or service brand. And this a profitable business both for the companies and the celebrities who is endorsing the products and services.
Often it’s easier for the well known people — Celebrities — to start their own business successfully because of their familiarity, networks and followers and fan clubs.
Brand Ambassador — how it works in marketing?
A brand ambassador endorses brand(s) — be it a brand of a country, city, company, product or a program. In most countries, Celebrity Endorsements have proven very successful increasing brand awareness and monetization of brands.
“There are no guarantees of successful celebrities” is a common knowledge but no harm trying to be a — DIY celebrity— digital global DIY Celebrity.
Whatever may be the end results, the process of “Writing Your Celebrity Stories” may help in self analyzing and self-improvements; and can inspire others, help some people to get out of their difficult times in life and lead a more meaningful life. And that’s not a less achievement as a “Top Celebrity” in your own unique way. And possibly can also become a commercially successful ‘ordinary’ Top Celebrity!
Let’s begin. Let’s start writing “own celebrity stories” towards the journey of the DIY celebrity. Good wishes for ‘your celebrity Story’ writing journey towards a potential celebrity status!
Are you a celebrity? — may be, in your own unique way, you are a celebrity too. Grab the opportunity to be discovered, inspire others and get possible opportunities for Celebrity Branding or other business.
Write ‘your story’ here in “Top Celebrity Story” — be discovered, inspire others and get possible opportunities for Celebrity Branding or other business. Celebrity Branding is often used for marketing and selling!
Ordinary Celebrity
Only ordinary people becomes celebrity over time; and there are “ordinary celebrities”. What is an ordinary celebrity?
The concept of the ordinary celebrity is quite old .
“Ordinary Celebrity — that is, people who are not professional experts or celebrities (and, this definition has very little to do with “averageness” or typicality) — become part of commercial media.”
In Berkeley Journal of Sociology, Laura Grindstaff discussed the topic in an insightful article, “Reality TV and the Production of ‘Ordinary Celebrity’: Notes from the Field” published by Regents of the University of California.
The above reference to the research paper of Laura Grindstaff is just an example. There are many research papers that examine the related topics:
The growing phenomenon of the ‘ordinary celebrity’ on YouTube and social media;
The role of these “Ordinary Celebrities” in redefining new “Celebrity” in our digital era; and
Other emerging phenomenon revolving around monetizing ordinary celebrities.
BBC reported about: The disruption of the celebrity cycle
“When celebrities stay at home, the gossip-mill begins to stutter …So what to do, as a celebrity whose very existence depends on being seen by other people, when we are all stuck at home? … it’s those who have offered up real wit, charm and skill that the public have taken to heart… It’s also allowed talented newcomers to emerge…”
Question: If newcomers are becoming celebrities and celebrities are just ordinary people, can you be a celebrity?
Now, “Ordinary People” can be the focus of the media — and commercial branding and advertising industry because of the exponential growth of social media and other publication platforms like Medium. These days, more and more people are becoming ‘ordinary celebrity’ through reality TV (still a steep slope to ride) and DIY Celebrity.
But why Celebrity?
Celebrity Endorsement for Marketing is a well known technique in branding and marketing to sell products and services, as well as, identify/position a specific city, company, product or service brand. And this a profitable business both for the companies and the celebrities who is endorsing the products and services.
Often it’s easier for the well known people — Celebrities — to start their own business successfully because of their familiarity, networks and followers and fan clubs.
Brand Ambassador — how it works in marketing?
A brand ambassador endorses brand(s) — be it a brand of a country, city, company, product or a program. In most countries, Celebrity Endorsements have proven very successful increasing brand awareness and monetization of brands.
“There are no guarantees of successful celebrities” is a common knowledge but no harm trying to be a — DIY celebrity— digital global DIY Celebrity.
Whatever may be the end results, the process of “Writing Your Celebrity Stories” may help in self analyzing and self-improvements; and can inspire others, help some people to get out of their difficult times in life and lead a more meaningful life. And that’s not a less achievement as a “Top Celebrity” in your own unique way. And possibly can also become a commercially successful ‘ordinary’ Top Celebrity!
Let’s begin. Let’s start writing “own celebrity stories” towards the journey of the DIY celebrity. Good wishes for ‘your celebrity Story’ writing journey towards a potential celebrity status!
A startup and strategy guide for entrepreneurs, working professionals, home workers, teachers & students.
Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD
Dr. Madhab Paul loves writing his imaginations and well-researched ideas on critical topics lucidly, being complete and concise, so that everybody can understand quickly and easily. He is an engineer by education (PhD) & training, and entrepreneur by passion. He also studied law and management.
Dr. Madhab believes in the words of world famous Nobel Laureate, Albert Einstein: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
Since childhood, Dr. Madhab has keen interests in politics, technology, and social innovation. He had participated in active political campaigns in India while he was young.
As an engineer, more than being a theorist, Dr. Madhab’s approach has often been experiments using trial & error method, until reasonably accurate – the best – solutions can be found.
Dr. Madhab Paul, the Generalist:
He was trained to become a Specialist — a specialist engineer with PhD degree — that trained him rigorously to think things through and think differently from various possible scenarios to ensure the stability in the face of uncertain environments. And also design Plan-B for any evacuation in the future, foreseeing possible extreme environment conditions. He has always been a little different, though getting along with the most people. And, that’s the Key to explore new ideas, as well as to imagine, experiment, and learn better ways of doing things.
The decades-long journey from being a ‘Specialist’ to a Generalist: He believes that continued learning — DIY self-learning or otherwise — is important in this fast changing world. Before starting own business, he also completed ‘Masters in Management’ and PG Diploma in Law (ADR) so that he himself can understand a wide range of topics. That’s the value of being a Generalist — the connector and the catalyst.
Public Speaking:
Dr. Madhab spoke on tech, trade, business and social issues at events organized in many cities around the world. As an invited speaker, he spoke at International Investment Conferences and private business seminars held in many countries, including: India, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and UAE.
Books by Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD
His books are on the topics of startup, strategy, business, branding, politics and economic diplomacy.
The lessons from the legendary teachers & mentors, and the practical experiments with life.
Books by Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD
Welcome to subscribe to his new newsletter to get connected via email: letter.madhabpaul.com
Why should you write “your own story” at the TOP CELEBRITY STORY — the digital international “celebrity publication” via Medium?
The TOP CELEBRITY STORY — your.celebritystory.top — the digital celebrity publication via Medium, has been launched with a mission to introduce DIY Ordinary Celebrities to the world.
May be, in your own unique way, you are a celebrity too. Grab the opportunity to be discovered, inspire others and get possible opportunities for Celebrity Branding or other business.
A sample template and guidelines will be published here as this page will be updated with more information.
MiTA is re-opening for business, expanding and relocating businesses. And our CSR projects — primarily doing research, spreading awareness and connecting people via “international conferences, exhibitions & award ceremonies” — will be in the following major areas:
education, health, food & energy;
innovation & entrepreneurship, and
equitable development for peace-prosperity.
"Innovation is the center pillar of MiTA : management, innovations, & technology applications. MiTA Excellence Since 2009." — Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD
(A) Strategic Business Consulting, B-2-B Business Matching & Deals
pharma, medical, beauty-cosmetics & healthcare;
agriculture, fisheries, food processing & food;
oil & gas, mining, renewable energy & environment; and
infrastructure, construction & project management;
(B) B-2-B Match Making, Tech & Brokerage Business Deals
MiTA Myanmar @ ISBC: Myanmar Market Partner for Investment & Strategic Business in Myanmar.
MiTA & Dr. Madhab Paul have organized several International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions since 2014. Dr. Madhab has been speaking at International Forums since 2005.
Upcoming International Business Events:
GLOBAL ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY SUMMIT, website: https://palthinktank.org
Advantage Myanmar Summit & Expo, website: https://advantagemyanmar.com
BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo, website: https://bengalbusiness.net
Workshops on Strategy, Communication, Startups & Branding Worldwide, website: https://mitajobs.com — create jobs and opportunities!!
Ordinary Celebrity: Only ordinary people becomes celebrity over time; and there are “ordinary celebrities”. What is an ordinary celebrity?
The concept of the ordinary celebrity is quite old .
(Note: MiTA is not in active business now; God Willing, we will reopen for business in the coming months. This website is being redesigned and redeveloped; please visit again.)